The Quebec International Pee Wee Hockey Tournament, known as one of the most prestigious minor hockey tournaments in the world for Pee Wee-age players (11 and 12 years old), takes place over a 12-day period each February in Quebec City, Quebec. The tournament, founded in 1960, features 2,200 young hockey players from 15 countries and attracts over 200,000 fans annually. It takes place during Quebec’s Winter Festival, the largest in the world, and provides players and their families with the opportunity to experience Canadian culture.
This upcoming season the Penguins Elite 2010 team will participate in the tournament, following in the footsteps of some of the greatest hockey players of all time, including; Penguins owner and Hall of Famer Mario Lemieux, Wayne Gretzky, Guy Lafleur, Marcel Dionne, Gilbert Perrault, Mark Howe, Sylvain Côté, Eric Lindros and many others.